After successfully reviving The Karate Kid franchise with their hit series Cobra Kai, creators Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg and Josh Heald are now turning their attention to another iconic 80s property as they team with Paramount Pictures for a spinoff movie from the 1986 John Hughes classic Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
As reported by Deadline, the spinoff is titled Sam and Victor’s Day Off, and will take place on the same day as the original film, following the two unnamed parking valets (played by Richard Edson and Larry ‘Flash’ Jenkins) who take Cameron’s father’s Ferrari on a joyride.
Bill Posley (Bitch Ass) is writing the script for Sam and Victor’s Day Off, which Hurwitz, Schlossberg and Heald will produce through their Counterbalance Entertainment production banner.
Along with the upcoming fifth season of Cobra Kai, Hurwitz, Schlossberg and Heald have several other projects in development, including adaptations of the classic video game series Duke Nukem and History Channel show Ancient Aliens.
SEE ALSO: Cobra Kai season 5 trailer sees an unlikely alliance
Are you excited about the prospect of a Ferris Bueller spinoff from the team behind Cobra Kai? Let us know on our social channels @FlickeringMyth…