Andrew Newton reviews Creeple People #1…
It’s weird science gone wild! A trio of gifted lab students hatches a bizarre scheme that runs amok when they inadvertently create a mystical bunch of wildly creepy troll-creatures that wreak havoc on campus.
Creeple Peeple by IDW is a new 3 part series from writers Matt Anderson and Patrick D. Pidgeon about 3 gifted and talented science students (curiously named Spigs, Peabo and T-Ray) whose enthusiasm to impress and keep the science department funded has them going down a scientific route with strange consequences.
Anderson and Pidgeon’s script starts off slow and pretty much stays slow for the whole issue. It seemed like it was going to become a lot more interesting with a possible antagonist being introduced but this meeting lasts several panels and it was back to being a slow build up to what happens on the last page. That said, the characters are well developed and that will probably serve well for future issues.
The art of Tim Lattie is great and does compliment the story well. His drawing of the characters is well done and adds greatly to their character development in the script. The colouring by Diego Rodriguez is exemplary, some of the best shading I’ve seen.
The story has potential and it’s interesting enough despite the slow start but I’m hoping that the action really hots up next issue and we get to see more interaction with the antagonists as well as the results of their science project.
Andrew Newton