Villordsutch reviews IXth Generation #2…
Aphrodite IX has the Witchblade and several other Artifacts have also appeared, destroying the delicately balanced utopia. Who is wielding the Darkness and why is it so hellbent on killing all of the IXs?
To start on a positive with IXth Generation #2, the art from Stjepan Sejic is absolutely stunning throughout this issue, staying constant and strong along with the rather brilliant palette choice too. The story itself from Matt Hawkins seems like it’s a fair meaty affair also, however this for me is where the negatives come in. A few of you could admittedly point a finger at the end of this complaint and say it’s more my fault than the comic’s, and I’d give you some leeway on your criticism, but I’d still stand strong on my main point.
We’re here at issue #2 of IXth Generation and I’m feeling rather lost. I rather awkwardly missed issue #1 and hoped that I’d catch-up quickly with this issue but we are not given that chance. Even moreso another comic in the Aphrodite IX lore is name checked midway through, which gave me the feeling that they’re really trying to throw us off the tracks a bit more. I know IXth Generation isn’t the first comic ever to hark back to another issue from its past – that we may have missed – but here we stand at #2 of a new series and I’m slightly flummoxed; I’ve never felt this before on a Matt Hawkins comic so it’s rather odd to feel it now. Reading this comic is like being invited to an extra special party where you know only one person, you turn up and everybody is extremely attractive, superbly dressed and you’re in your combats trousers and your favourite Riddler shirt; eventually you’ll possibly get to know a few people but it’s going to be one heck of a slog getting there.
All this being said IXth Generation #2 is an impressive looking comic and I can see it – when the parts come together – becoming something rather brilliant. I just wish it had been more forgiving for the reader who may have missed the opening act. Both Hawkins and Sejic are known for delivering exceptional pieces of work and I don’t expect this to be anything less once it’s a whole unit.
Villordsutch likes his sci-fi and looks like a tubby Viking according to his children. Visit his website and follow him on Twitter.