In the latest edition of Comics to Read Before You Die, Jessie Robertson looks at War of Kings…
War of Kings #1-6,War of Kings: Ascension #1-4, War of Kings: Darkhawk #1-2, War of Kings: Warriors #1-2, War of Kings: Who Will Rule?, War of Kings: Savage World of Sakaar and Marvel Spotlight: War of Kings (March- August 2009)
Writers: Dan Abnett, C.B. Cebulski, Andy Lanning, Christopher Yost
Pencillers: Wellington Alves, Wesley Craig, Bong Dazo, Andrea DiVito, Paul Pelletier, Harvey Tolibao, Brad Walker
If you have never really dabbled into the Marvel Cosmic universe, this is your first stop. It was mine, honestly, I mean, I’d read some FF and Infinity Watch stuff from the 90’s but none of it spoke to me. But, my cousin lent me a huge giant tome called War of Kings to read, prompting me to devour all of it and I was very skeptical. But, once I got into the first issue, it was golden. I’m about to come off much like those book salesman probably did in the 80’s traveling with a set of Encyclopedia Britannica’s, so don’t slam the front door on me and we’ll be besties until your first bill comes in the mail.
When I think “cosmic”, I think non-descript alien races, giant space battles, and there is that, but what this story gives you is slices of stories from all over the Marvel universe; you get to find out where every single ingredient for your recipe comes from and how it works in the main dish before you dine on it. That’s what this book does so well. One of the main attractions is a wedding. Yep. Didn’t believe it either. The Inhumans (whose magnanimous leader is the silent but ominously powerful Black Bolt) , who are Kree in nature, has proposed a union between one of their own (Crystal) and a prominent Kree leader (Ronan) to unite the races back together in case of an attack from another race or empire, and to put himself and his people back in power. That plot itself has its own interesting threads but it’s the Shi’ar empire, now led by a mad man named Vulcan who threatens if that marriages takes place, they will declare war on all the Kree, Inhuman or no.
This sets the stage, and again, it goes back to character. You spend a good amount of time with Vulcan, and he’s bats*it crazy! He craves absolute power, and loves maiming and killing on his path to get there. You spend time with Crystal, who’s essentially being forced into an arranged marriage, but who deals with her predicament, as a means to a better life for her people and her daughter. Ronan, on the other hand, is enamored by Crystal’s beauty and power, and falls for her more every day but is constantly in a struggle between governing for his people, political dealings with Black Bolt and being turned down, in smaller ways, by Crystal as he tries to find common ground with her and their budding nuptials. It’s a stark contrast to the brutish barbarian portrayed in the excellent Guardians of the Galaxy movie last year.
Speaking of that film, Gamora gets a spotlight here, and you truly find out why she’s named “The World’s Most Dangerous Woman.” There are matters of respect in this book that also tie directly to characters’ individual stories. Super-Skrull, mostly used as the Skrull’s muscle when battling the Fantastic Four or Avengers, but you see how some of his own people treat him as an archaic warrior who is now considered old, or a just a freakshow. Gladiator, stalwart defender of the Shi’ar empire, must navigate tricky political waters between what’s right for duty and what’s right for him. Chris Powell and Robbie Ryder, two ordinary humans with extraordinary ties, are plunged into this war through use of being a tool or instrument to powerful entities, namely the Darkhawk armor and the Worldmind of the Nova Corps.
This book delves deeply into the Marvel Cosmic universe, showing all corners and all manner of characters from warlord tyrants to kings to silent assassins. By going smaller and more intimate, the world is drawn out bigger and more bold than most name-recognized comic book events you’ve heard of. If you’re at all interested in the worlds that Guardians of the Galaxy lead you to last summer, pick this book up and be amazed.
Jessie Robertson