While it originally aired in 1999, the cult hit Freaks and Geeks is arriving in the UK on All4 in its entirety on November 15th. The series created by Paul Feig followed two siblings as they try and navigate high school in two very different social circles. The cult series is known for kickstarting the careers of a variety of actors, including James Franco, Linda Cardellini and Seth Rogen.
For audiences completely unfamiliar with the series, it looks at the high school experience in its entirety. Here’s the synopsis:
“The universal experience of teen hood as lived by the freaks and geeks in a Michigan high school, circa 1980, is the subject of this comedy-drama executive produced by Emmy-winner Judd Apatow. Focussing on the lives of siblings Lindsay and Sam Weir, the show looks at the everyday fears, humiliations and triumphs of adolescent’s past, present and futures.
Freaks and Geeks stars James Franco (The Interview), Seth Rogen (The Lion King), Jason Segel (How I Met Your Mother), Linda Cardellini (The Curse of La Lorona), John Francis Daley (Game Night), Samm Levine (Inglourious Basterds), Martin Starr (Spider-Man: Far From Home), Becky Anne Baker (Girls), Joe Flaherty (SCTV) and Busy Phillips (I Feel Pretty).