A writer for Netflix’s recently cancelled Daredevil thought that the show was “too big to fail”.
In recent months Netflix has been cancelling some of their Marvel TV properties, this is in the wake of further news being announced regarding Disney’s own streaming service (Disney being Marvel’s owner).
Now Daredevil, the biggest Marvel show on the platform, has been cancelled too, right after a much applauded third season. The news was a shock to many, including Daredevil writer Tamara Becher-Wilkinson. Speaking to i09, she said:
“[Showrunner Erik Oleson] got a call asking him to go down to see the Marvel executives, and I jokingly went ‘Ooooooooh,’ like a third grader does when someone gets called to a principal’s office. Then, he waited for everybody to gather back in the writers’ room and he said, ‘Netflix has decided not to move forward with season four.’ And that’s all I remember, you know. I kind of missed the details because I was, like, so surprised.
“The reviews were so overwhelmingly positive that I thought there was no way they would cancel it. I don’t know how well it does on Netflix or anything like that…[but] it was surprising to me they would cancel something that was so well received. I thought it was too big to fail.”
Whether or not Daredevil‘s cancellation means that shows like The Punisher are also meant for the chopping block, remains to be seen. The Punisher season 2 is set for release in 2019.
SEE ALSO: Marvel promises more “adventures” for Daredevil after Netflix cancellation