Dark Horse Comics has announced that it’s set to bring George Lucas’ initial Star Wars vision to life with an eight issue miniseries adapting Lucas’ 1974 first rough draft for The Star Wars, which tells the story of the Jedi Annikin Starkiller, his training under General Luke Skywalker, and their struggle against the tyrannical New Empire and the Knights of the Sith.
The Star Wars is being adapted by J.W. Rinzler, executive editor at LucasBooks and the author of the fascinating The Making of Star Wars and The Making of The Empire Strikes Back, with artwork from Mike Mayhew (Avengers). Check out some early panels here, which are very much inspired by the concept design work of Ralph McQuarrie…
“While researching in the Lucasfilm Archives I’ve found many treasures—but one which truly astounded me was George’s rough draft for The Star Wars. His first complete imaginings were hallucinating to read—mind blowing,” said Rinzler. “While working with George on another book project, I once asked if we could adapt his rough draft. He was hesitant. Years later, with Dark Horse’s invaluable help, we showed him a few drawn and colored pages of what it might look like. He gave us the okay.”
The Star Wars is set to begin this September.