As the Marvel Universe as we know it draws to a close this May, Wade Wilson is heading back in time to the original 1984 Secret Wars series for the Warzones! tie-in Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars.
In 1984, Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars was known for debuting Spider-Man’s black costume and featuring Doctor Doom stealing the Beyonder’s power, and the first-ever event series also included a variety of appearances by Deadpool that readers never saw. DEADPOOL’S SECRET SECRET WARS by the Deadpool Killustrated team of Cullen Bunn and Matteo Lolli, will have the Merc with the Mouth revealed to be a part of the 1984 comic book event and drawn into scenes from the original series.
“Way back when, right after I had finished Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, we were looking for something out of the ordinary as a follow up,” Bunn tells “One of my first suggestions was to have Deadpool thrown back in time into the middle of the original Secret Wars limited series. At the time, we decided to go in a different direction, but the idea of having Wade playing a big, in-continuity role in the events of that series stuck with me.”
“When Deadpool introduces himself to the other heroes, most of them have no idea who he is,” Bunn continues . “At least, most of them are unwilling to admit that they know him! As the battle between good and evil commences, Deadpool gets plenty of opportunities to annoy the hell out of every major hero and villain in the Marvel Universe before the festivities are done!”
Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars will get underway in May.