Great news arrived yesterday at Microsoft’s Inside Xbox show at Gamescom, the latest title in the iconic Devil May Cry series, Devil May Cry 5, will be arriving on 8th March 2019. The game will arrive on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC. A brand new trailer has been released showcasing the intense, heart-pounding action from demon hunter Nero and concludes with the appearance of fan-favourite demon hunter, Dante. Watch this new trailer below…
In Devil May Cry 5 demons are once more threatening the world as the seeds of a “demon tree” take root in Red Grave City. As demons spread chaos throughout the city, demon hunter Nero, along with his partner Nico, drive in to take on the demon horde and discover what is behind the latest demon incursion. When Nero loses the ability of his right arm it is up to self-professed weapons artist, Nico, to design a variety of unique mechanical Devil Breaker arms.
To take on the demons, players will be able to use his Red Queen Sword for melee combat, the Blue Rose handgun and a variety of unique mechanical Devil Breaker arms that will give him extra powers and abilities. These mechanical arms include the Gerbera Devil Breaker which generates an intense heat that can be shot out as a powerful shockwave and the Overture Devil Breaker, which houses a hidden electric generator inside powerful enough to shock any demons.
Devil May Cry 5 arrives on console and PC next March.