As revealed by Anime News Network, the Digimon franchise is returning to the small screen with a brand new anime series entitled Digimon Adventure, a modern retelling/reboot of the original 1999 series of the same name and taking place in the year 2020 with Taichi Yagami in his fifth year of elementary school.
Toei Animation, the company behind both the original series and reboot, has unveiled a first teaser trailer, which is light on footage but does offer a sneak peek at the revamped artwork and designs; check it out here…
In addition to the new series, which is set to premiere in Japan in April, fans also have the anime film Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna to look forward to, which is set in the original continuity with Taichi Yagami now a university student. That opens in Japan on February 21st, with a limited release in the U.S. on March 25th courtesy of Toei Animation and Fathom Events.