Big Finish, creator of full-cast audio adventures for classic series such as Doctor Who, Blake’s 7, Sapphire & Steel etc, has announced that the first volume of Doctor Who – The First Doctor Unbound is available to pre-order now from the Big Finish website. This new series of audio adventures will release in September 2025.
Doctor Who – The First Doctor Unbound brings exciting new adventures for the First Doctor, originally played by the legendary William Hartnell. This time, the First Doctor will be played by David Bradley and is joined by Jemma Powell (as Barbara Wright), Jamie Glover (as Ian Chesterton) and Claudia Grant (as Susan Foreman). This quartet of actors starred in the 2013 biopic An Adventure in Space and Time.
From September 2025 The First Doctor will break free from the established continuity to build up its own big and bold adventures inspired by the lighter toned 1960’s Peter Cushing films.
Producer David O’Mahony said: “I cannot tell you how excited I am to be taking charge of The First Doctor Unbound. Similarly to the Lost Stories range, making these stories unbound to the television continuity of Doctor Who gives us a wonderful creative freedom to explore characters, stories and styles. The hunger to create new stories and be inspired by various parts of the Whoniverse has driven so many wonderful Big Finish productions – to bring in this Doctor and set him on these adventures is like unearthing a treasure trove of potential and exciting tales.”
Doctor Who – The First Doctor Unbound is available to pre-order now from the Big Finish website for £15.99 for Collector’s Edition CD Box Set and digital download, or £12.99 for the download only.

David Bradley will provide the voice for the First Doctor