Zachary Laoutides (Black Ruby), Jaime Zevallos (Cloak & Dagger) and Alexander James Rodriguez (Missing Link) have been cast in Where Sweet Dreams Die, a drama-thriller from Ave Fenix Pictures and director Mirza Esho.
Where Sweet Dreams Die follows an Italian American who is on the verge of losing his restaurant and wife to cancer. He becomes obsessed with a Middle Eastern immigrant on the path to achieve the American Dream and take over his restaurant.
Filming on Where Sweet Dreams Die is slated to get underway in November in Chicago and New York, with the cast also including Marius Iliescu (Adios Vaya Con Dios) and Emmanuel Isaac (Hogtown).
Ave Fenix Pictures Studios is co-founded by award-winning Mexican actress-producer Monica Esmeralda Leon and has several projects on its slate ready to start production in 2021 including And They Called Her Paradisa, Fields of Aaru and City of Cathedrals.