Dynamite’s 50th anniversary celebrations for the Daughter of Drakulon continue with the release of a new exclusive variant cover for Vampirella #1 from rising artist Mindy Wheeler, which is available through IndieGogo in ‘Standard’, ‘Virgin’ and ‘Pencil Art’ versions. Check them out here…
SEE ALSO: Dynamite announces Vampirella: Trial of the Soul
“I’m so excited to be working with Dynamite on this 50th anniversary cover! It’s especially an honor to be creating a Vampirella piece at this time when she has reached such an important milestone (50 years!),” said Wheeler. “Fans are the best and to be able to see their response in real-time through crowdfunding is a unique experience for any creator. It really connects an artist with their fan base and offers them perks they can’t get elsewhere.”
You can get your hands on Mindy Wheeler’s Vampirella cover over at IndieGogo, where a selection of special reward tier packages are also available.