Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles, 1994. Directed by Neil Jordan. Starring Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Kirsten Dunst, Antonio Banderas, Stephen Rea and Christian Slater. SYNOPSIS: A vampire chronicles his eventful life to a journalist. There is an inherent sex appeal that is often alluded to within vampire films, particularly within the earlier horror […]
Special Features – The Greatest Action Movie Douchebags
Tom Jolliffe presents a selection of the action genre’s greatest douchebags… Cinema has created many wonderful characters over the years. We’ve had classic heroes, and the most heinous of villains. Heroes and villains are particularly paramount in the action genre. There’s also another type of character: The Douchebag. These would be the whiny, sniveling, low […]
Blending In: The Making of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Trevor Hogg chats with visual effects supervisors Eric Barba and Sean Faden about the making of David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo… “David [Fincher] is great at knowing and describing what he wants,” states Digital Domain Visual Effects Supervisor Eric Barba who was rewarded with an Oscar for his reverse aging work on […]
Introducing Flickering Myth’s new movie review ratings system…
An explanation of our new ratings system here at Flickering Myth… The New York Latino Film Festival ran a humorous, albeit snarky, advertising campaign a couple of months back. Its posters featured graphical representations comparing the clichés found in two types of narrative cinema: FILMS, those done for flash, and MOVIES, those done for cash. […]
Thoughts on… Phone Booth (2002)
Phone Booth, 2002. Directed by Joel Schumacher. Starring Colin Farrell, Kiefer Sutherland, Forest Whitaker and Katie Holmes. SYNOPSIS: A man receives a call in a phone booth and realises that he is being watched. Stu Shepard (Colin Farrell) is a fast-talking publicist who has made a living out of lying. Stu seemingly has it all […]
Thoughts on… Chronicle (2012)
Chronicle, 2012. Directed by Josh Trank. Starring Dane DeHaan, Michael B. Jordan and Alex Russell. SYNOPSIS: After developing strange telekinetic powers, the lives of three high school friends begin to spiral out of control. Every year comes a few films for which the trailers does no justice at all, yet they turn out to be […]
5 Ways to Win an Oscar
Taking inspiration from the Oscar-nominated Moneyball, here’s a look at this evening’s 84th Annual Academy Awards, taking into account various statistical evidence. Sound boring? Well, yeah. There isn’t much below to dispute that. i.e. this was written after a large Indian takeaway. 1. Prosthetics Increase Prospects. Nicole Kidman won Best Actress with a thinned nose […]
Hours away from certain Oscar glory The Artist remains underappreciated and misunderstood
As The Artist prepares for its assault on the Oscars, Liam Trim discusses Michel Hazanavicius’ acclaimed silent feature… The infamous and incomparable Academy Awards are about to launch their annual global invasion. Nothing will be able to resist the onslaught. Facebook and Twitter will be colonised, blogs occupied and living rooms stormed. Of course, every […]
Who Are the Oscar Voters?
Commenting on the critics with Simon Columb… On February 19th 2012, John Horn, Nicole Sperling and Doug Smith of The Los Angeles Times wrote… “A Los Angeles Times study found that Academy voters are markedly less diverse than the moviegoing public, and even more monolithic than many in the film industry may suspect. Oscar voters […]
The Week in Spandex – The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, The Amazing Spider-Man, Spawn, Kick-Ass 2, Before Watchmen, Daredevil, Arrow and more…
Our weekly round-up of the big news stories from the world of movie superheroes… As we await the expected arrival of a brand new trailer for The Avengers next week, a couple of new images from Joss Whedon’s superhero ensemble have made their way online – one of which depicts Captain America (Chris Evans), Hawkeye […]