Danielle Shields looks at ten youngsters destined to be the next big thing… With the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 bringing an end to the magical franchise, it is clear that just like its three main protagonists, thousands of children have grown up with the series and are now progressing […]
Joe Johnston to direct Jurassic Park 4… and a Boba Fett movie?
Joe Johnston has been out promoting the release of Captain America: The First Avenger and during an interview with Screen Rant the director dropped a couple of nuggets of information about possibilities for his upcoming slate. First up comes the rather familiar line that discussions are currently ongoing for Jurassic Park 4, the long rumoured […]
Review Blood: True Blood Recap 4.4 – “I’m Alive and On Fire”
Sean Guard sinks his teeth into the latest episode of the popular US vampire series True Blood, “I’m Alive and On Fire”… This week’s episode continues to have Eric being a “nice” guy but also somewhat delusional after draining and killing Sookie’s fairy-godmother. She enlists the help of Alcide to find him after he runs […]
DVD Review – Carmen – The Restored Edition (1984)
Carmen, 1984. Directed by Francesco Rosi. Starring Julia Migenes, Plácido Domingo, Ruggero Raimondi and Faith Esham. SYNOPSIS: A soldier falls in love with a beautiful factory worker but his feelings are not reciprocated. I know absolutely nothing about opera. I dabble amateurishly in appreciating classical music because my curiosity was stirred by my love of […]
The Week in Spandex – The Dark Knight Rises trailer reaction, The Amazing Spider-Man, Captain America and more…
Presenting our weekly round-up of the big news stories from the world of movie superheroes… Well, it’s certainly been an exciting week for Batman fans as The Dark Knight Rises took the spotlight away from Harry Potter somewhat with the release of the first poster and teaser trailer from Christopher Nolan’s hotly anticipated sequel. It […]
DVD Review – Morning Glory (2010)
Morning Glory, 2010. Directed by Roger Michell. Starring Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton, Patrick Wilson, Ty Burrell and Jeff Goldblum. SYNOPSIS: An aspiring producer takes on the challenge of reviving the fortunes of a struggling morning television show. The ongoing and increasingly shocking twists and turns of the News of the World hacking scandal […]
Blu-ray Review – The Funhouse (1981)
The Funhouse, 1981. Directed by Tobe Hooper. Starring Elizabeth Berridge, Shawn Carson, Cooper Huckabee, Largo Woodruff, Miles Chapin, Wayne Doba, William Finley and Sylvia Miles. SYNOPSIS: After an evening at a travelling fun fair, two teenage couples decide to spend the night stowed away inside ‘The Funhouse’, only to find themselves stalked by a grotesque […]
DVD Review – Slaughter High (1986)
Slaughter High, 1986. Directed by George Dugdale, Mark Ezra and Peter Litten. Starring Caroline Munro, Simon Scuddamore and Billy Hartman. SYNOPSIS: A high school reunion turns into a bloodbath when a former student seeks revenge against the pranksters who left him disfigured. Slaughter High is one of those rare cult oddities, it is a cheap […]
Page and Screen – Libraries vs. Cinemas in Fahrenheit 451
Liam Trim with the latest edition of ‘Page and Screen’… In 1966 England won the World Cup. And firemen stopped putting out flames with water, to start them with kerosene to burn books. Francois Truffaut’s film version of Ray Bradbury’s classic 20th century novel Fahrenheit 451 was released in 1966. It starred Julie Christie in […]
Hot Rods & Droids: A George Lucas Profile (Part 6)
Trevor Hogg profiles the career of legendary filmmaker George Lucas in the sxith of a six part feature… read parts one, two, three, four and five. “When I was working on Young Indy [ABC, 1992 to 1993] with Harrison [Ford], the obvious occurred to me,” recalled George Lucas who had a breakthrough idea for a […]