Mythical City Games has announced that their VR MMO Neon Exile will launch in Early Access this summer with a full launch scheduled for 2020. This persistent open world MMO has been created from the ground up specifically for all popular VR platforms, including HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Oculus Rift S and Windows Mixed Reality.
Neon Exile will take players to a dystopian world where players will need to build, explore and fight back against the ever-expanding robotic threat of the automated VERMin systems. In this multiplayer VR experience, players will be able to choose what role they play and either explore the wasteland in search of enemy bases or stay back to defend the base from attacks. There will be plenty of valuable resources for players to seek out and gather, plus structures to build and expand their territory.
When the game enters early access this summer it will come with the first playable region, with the developers using community feedback to guide the development of the game for its release next year.
To take part in the early access, visit the Neon Exile website here.
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