Despite an impending takeover by Disney, 20th Century Fox continues to press ahead with its plans for the X-Men movie universe, with the studio announcing last month that Deadpool director Tim Miller and comic book writer Brian Michael Bendis are developing a new spinoff movie, thought to focus on the character of Kitty Pryde.
Kitty has of course already appeared numerous times in the X-Men franchise, most notably when she was portrayed by Ellen Page in X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men: Days of Future Past, and Page has revealed to CinemaBlend that she’d “love” the chance to reprise the role in the new film:
“I loved playing Kitty Pryde, and I think one of the things I always felt was I wish I could have done more,” said Page. “My experience in the films wasn’t necessarily that extensive and she is such a great character. I don’t know anything about the movie to be honest with you, but yeah, of course, that’s something I’d love to do, but I don’t know.”
At this point, we know very little about Miller’s plans – we don’t even know for certain that it is a Kitty Pryde movie – but if that is the case, then one would assume that Fox will be recasting the role. Still, let us know in the comments below if you’d be happy to see Ellen Page back for another outing…