Skydance Animation’s Luck is set in world in which opposing forces control destiny, but it appears that opposing forces have led to the departure of Emma Thompson from the animated feature film.
Variety is reporting that the Academy Award winning screen legend left the project in January, shortly after the studio had made the decision to hire former Disney and Pixar CEO John Lasseter.
Lasseter was returning from a leave of absence following numerous reports of alleged misconduct at his former studio, and was given the top job of piloting Skydance’s first foray into animation, having only just launched the new division in 2017. On the slate are Luck, which was set for a 2021 release, as well as Split, Powerless, and The Fourteenth Goldfish.
According to the report, Thompson had been in to perform some voice recording duties, but dropped out at the start of the year. She has subsequently confirmed her departure from the film.
Thompson can be seen next in Mindy Kaling’s Amazon Studio’s film Late Night, which debuted at this year’s Sundance Film Festival.