Epix has released a new trailer for its upcoming romantic adventure series Billy the Kid. Based on the life of the legendary outlaw of the Old West, the series stars Tom Blyth in the title role and follows his story from his early days as a gunslinger through his pivotal role in the Lincoln County War and beyond; watch it here…
It may not be important to them but it's important to him. #BillyTheKid premieres April 24 on @EPIXHD. pic.twitter.com/ZVZReDdSBY
— Billy The Kid (@BillyTheKidMGM) February 3, 2022
The eight-episode season comprised of hour-long episodes is an epic romantic adventure based on the life of famous American outlaw Billy the Kid (Blyth), also known as William H. Bonney — from his humble Irish roots, to his early days as a cowboy and gunslinger in the American frontier, to his pivotal role in the Lincoln County War and beyond. Webber will play Jesse Evans, another famous outlaw and leader of the Seven Rivers Gang. When they meet, Jesse has already embraced a life of crime: robbing stores and cattle rustling. Billy is attracted to his wild and reckless character and becomes Billy’s doppelganger of sorts — his shadow self, forever inviting him over to the dark side of life.
Billy the Kid premieres on Epix on April 24th.