In an exclusive interview, Flickering Myth sat down with British actor Christopher Prinsloo to talk about acting, and his role in the horror film, I Feel Pretty.
Hi Christopher, welcome to Flickering Myth! What got you into acting and made you realize that it was your chosen path?
That’s a challenging question to answer. Growing up, I was always pushed to succeed, and for various reasons, I developed a strong drive to achieve. However, I didn’t really know what success meant to me, so I focused on pursuing a life that would bring in the most money in the deluded hope that would bring me happiness. I went to university in the UK, changing my major from Chemistry to Neuropsychology as I searched for purpose. During this time, my life spiraled out of control, eventually leading me to seek help and in turn, work to better my life. This was the turning point for me, offering me a new perspective on life. I realized that for me to live a truly fulfilling life, I needed to pursue what I loved. Success, I came to understand, isn’t about external things like the car I drive or the size of my house, but about internal fulfillment—purpose and happiness. Acting had always been a passion of mine, but this shift in mindset made me realize that life is too short to chase a paycheck hoping for happiness. I stopped compulsively applying for investment banking jobs and moved to LA. I can honestly say I have no regrets. My goal is to be the best actor I can be and, hey, of course it would be nice to achieve some of the external rewards that come with it! But even if that doesn’t happen, being able to do what I love and get paid for it is already a dream come true.
Who are your influences growing up that helped to mold you into who you are today?
A little generic, but my parents helped mold me into who I am today. My dad taught me to dream big, to not settle for anything less than the life you want. My mum taught me kindness and resilience, to push through and trust that if you put good into the world, good will come your way. I feel like I have been molded by all the people in my life, the friendships and relationships that built me up, and the ones that tore me down. Every single experience, especially the heartbreaking and painful ones, have made me who I am today. I’ve hit rock bottom in life before, when I really didn’t know if I should, or even deserved to go on. I was molded by the people that picked me up and showed me how I could.
Congrats on your leading role in the horror film ‘I Feel Pretty.’ Can you tell us about the project and the role you played?
Thank you. I Feel Pretty is based on an old Japanese wife’s tale of a woman that would wonder the street asking men if she was pretty, and killing them if they said yes, Jakob, was just such a man. Walking home from work, Jakob is approached by this woman, she asks the fatal question, Jakob gives the fatal answer and runs for his life as all hell breaks loose. Going to his brother’s house to hide, Jakob has no clue what he’s brought into their lives.
I play the role of Jakob, a mid-20s, working class man from London. Jakob is a bit of a tough guy, usually the sort of guy who you wouldn’t mess with however, not many people stay “manly” when the supernatural is involved. Jakob had been noticing some strange things happen at work, with one of his co-workers disappearing the week before with no explanation. He’s been on edge, wondering what’s been going on which is why he’s thrown into such deep terror when seeing this supernatural creature, knowing what his fate could be. Jakob is close to his younger brother, Thomas, so it makes sense that Thomas’ place is the first place that comes to mind to hide out.
What was the experience like for you?
This was such a fun set to be a part of. This was the first horror project I’d done, and it couldn’t have been more fun! Everyone was pushing due to the strict timeline we were working with but to be honest, I think the time crunch just added to the pressure and intensity of my acting in a way.
I was pushed more in one of the scenes we did than I had been before. There’s a scene in it that is completely off the rails with me screaming, crying and sawing my mouth open. We shot this scene so many times to get it right and it was probably the most physically demanding acting I’ve done. Crying on demand time after time and ensuring that no matter how many takes, we did, the intensity was still there was rough but so rewarding. Furthermore, Thomas, my younger brother in the short, was none other than Oscar Winter, someone I went to acting school with. We didn’t know that we were cast together until we were on set, which was such a fun little moment.
I also got the chance to work with Emmy award winning actress Khrystyne Haje. This was such an incredible experience, and I couldn’t be more grateful for all she taught me about the industry and her life in the industry, an incredible actress and an even better person.
We shot in a cool little set that resembled a 70’s house in the UK, this really added an authentic feel to the short and something I definitely appreciated.
The film has gone on to scoop up various accolades, and we couldn’t be happier!
How did you get involved in the film?
Christopher Pierantoni, our incredible director, reached out to me to audition for the role. It was an incredibly quick turnaround from getting cast to being on set, but Christopher’s ability to work so well on such a tight timeframe was an impressive sight to see.
Just for fun, if you went back to the golden era of Hollywood, which actor do you resonate with most and why?
If I were thrown back into the Golden Age of Hollywood, I’d probably go with Groucho Marx. Who wouldn’t want to spend their career delivering rapid-fire insults, wearing a greasepaint mustache, and causing absolute chaos?
Exactly! Finally, how can people find and follow your journey?
My work can be found on found on IMDb and I share on Instagram
Our thanks to Christopher Prinsloo for taking the time for this interview.