This December travel to a dystopian reality in which the Nazi forces defeated the Allies as Ivanovich Games announce their new dogfighting VR title, 1976: Back to Midway, will arrive on Steam for PC on 10th December. Check out the new trailer below and get into the thick of the action….
Believe it or not 1976: Back to Midway takes players to the year 1976 and a world where Hitler now rules the world. Of course, the Allies continue to wage an underground war against the Nazi forces and have had their scientists working on anything that can help them win. Fortunately, thanks to Dr Ivan Ivanovich, a new Quantum Air Combat Simulator Virtual Reality prototype time machine will give players the chance to go back in time to 1943 and take part in the most momentous air battles of World War II and change the outcome of the war.
Take control of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning and the B-17G Flying Fortress in the same classic vertical scrolling style of previous titles such as 1943 and 1942 then jump into first-person with Virtual Reality and test your pilot skills.
- 16 story-mode levels filled with humor.
- 24 immersion zones.
- 64 missions.
- More than 200 aircraft upgrades.
- Tons of action without tutorials or inserting coins; enjoy infinite retries.
- Compatible with Vive, Oculus, and WMR.
- Compatible with HOTAS controllers, PC controllers, Xbox, PS4, and, of course, VR controllers: Index, Touch, Wand, etc.
- Compatible with motion simulators.
Look out for 1976: Back to Midway arriving on Steam on 10th December. A PSVR version is planned for next year.