Fantastic Beasts and Justice League star Ezra Miller is set to lead the cast of The Mourner, a thriller based upon the Japanese novel by Arata Tendo, which is being produced by Echo Lake Entertainment.
As per Deadline, The Mourner “follows a jaded and embittered homicide detective on the trail of murderous sex traffickers, who discovers new spiritual meaning in her life when she comes across a mystical young man (Miller) whose calling in life is to mourn the dead who have no one else to mourn them.”
Casper Kiriya (Casshern, Last Knights) is set to direct The Mourner from a script by Robin Shusan (Feed the Beast), with filming expected to take place in the summer of 2019.
Miller has a gap in his schedule at present, given that production on the as-yet-untitled Fantastic Beasts 3 was recently pushed back to late in the year. He also remains attached to Warner Bros. and DC Films’ The Flash movie, should it ever see the light of day.