Marvel Comics is currently in the middle of its universe-destroying event series Secret Wars, after which its set to hit the reboot button with an ‘All New, All Different’ Marvel Universe, and E-i-C Axel Alonso has been offering up the first details about the impending reset.
“We’ve been planning it for years,” Alonso told Mashable. “We realized that [Secret Wars] would be a game-changing moment that would allow us to create a big white canvas. It’s an unprecedented chance for us to tell new stories across all titles with new No. 1s. We chose all of our creators to come in with a hook — a big thing has happened that changes the status quo of the character.”
Alonso went on to reveal that they’ll be sticking with the female Thor (Jane Foster) and black Captain America (Sam Wilson), but also have big plans for some of their other iconic characters: “The all-new Hulk… this character is certain to cause debate. The same people who went crazy with female Thor will have a field day with this one. Will there be enough room for [a new Spider-Man] and Peter Parker? Read and find out. Wolverine will return to the Marvel Universe (again, this will be something big). Who is Wolverine? You’ll have to read and find out.”
The All New, All Different Marvel Universe will get underway after Secret Wars, with between 55 and 60 brand new #1s.