HBO Max has released a trailer for the dystopian drama series DMZ. Based on Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli’s DC/Vertigo graphic novel of same name, it follows Alma Ortega (Rosario Dawson) as she navigates a demilitarized zone in Manhattan in a desperate quest to find her son; watch it here…
DMZ leaps off the pages of the DC acclaimed graphic novel into the visual landscape of a dangerous and distorted Manhattan as one woman navigates a demilitarized zone in a harrowing quest to find her lost son.
DMZ features Benjamin Bratt, Hoon Lee, Freddy Miyares, Jordan Preston Carter, Venus Ariel, Rutina Wesley, Nora Dunn, Jade Wu, Rey Gallegos, Mamie Gummer, Agam Darshi, Juani Feliz, and Henry G. Sanders.
DMZ premieres on HBO Max on March 17th.