HBO has released the first trailer for the upcoming alternate history series The Plot Against America. Based on Phillip Roth’s acclaimed 2004 novel of the same name, the limited series follows the political rise of Charles Lindbergh, through the eyes of a working class Jewish family, as he turns the US toward facism, and features a cast that includes John Turturro, Zoe Kazan, Morgan Spector, and Winona Ryder; watch it here…
A working-class Jewish family in New Jersey watches the political rise of aviator-hero and xenophobic populist Charles Lindbergh, as he becomes president and turns the nation toward fascism. This six-part re-imagining of history is based on the Philip Roth novel of the same name.
The Plot Against America premieres on HBO on March 16th in the US and is coming to Sky Atlantic in the UK later this year.