The Flickering Myth writing and editorial staff react to the news that Twin Peaks is returning in 2016…
The news broke yesterday that David Lynch was returning to Twin Peaks for a new series on Showtime in 2016. We’ve already read Simon Columb’s thoughts on Sunday’s Commenting on the Critics, but what did the rest of our writing and editorial staff think?
Anthony Donovan Stokes: My reaction was what the hell is Twin Peaks? (Editor’s note: It should be noted that Anthony wasn’t born when Twin Peaks first aired)
Ray Willmott: Let this be a lesson to us all. Never give up on seeing your favorite show again, no matter how unlikely it may seem.
David Bishop: There’s still hope for Firefly…
Luke Owen: Dave, no one cares about Firefly…
Villordsutch: It is happening again!
Here’s my Twin Peaks life. I have been a Twin Peaks fan since it’s first airing on UK television a couple of decades (plus a few years) back. I used to model my hair on Special Agent Dale Coopers look and I still give his thumbs up and smile to people when they do something great. Once at work I was caught on CCTV nipping off two minutes earlier than I should, however the picture evidence was practically the same as the Cooper and Bowie scene from “Fire Walk With Me” and I was over the moon when the Manager – who was in the process of giving me a warning – was showing me the scene of the crime; I asked for the picture and promptly had it enlarged and framed.
I used to have the series on VHS but they’ve long since gone, but currently I have the DVD Gold Collection and the The Entire Mystery Blu-Ray Collection sat upon my shelf. I also have a signed copy of The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (signed by David Lynch and Mark Frost) sat next to them both.
How do I feel about this 9 episode special of Twin Peaks arriving in 2016. I am ecstatic!
Amy Witcher Richau: When Twin Peaks first aired you could divide people into two groups – those who loved it and those who were confused by it – aka boring people. It was literally unlike anything else at the time on TV – I think it will either be wonderful or unwatchable
Kris Wall: Absolutely ecstatic!!! Its put me in the mood for some damn good coffee and pie!
Rob Kojder: I’m pumped , loved Twin Peaks.
David Fleming: Can’t wait. It was a brilliant show all those years ago and it’s just as good every time I re-watch it. I trust Lynch and Frost to add to it with the new series, not hurt the legend.
Helen Murdoch: Excitement for this is an understatement. I first found Twin Peaks during University and binge watched. It’s one of those shows that kept you guessing the whole way through and its cliffhanger was brilliant but annoying. Roll on 2016!
Kris Wall: I keep going back to Laura Palmer’s line ‘See you again in 25 years’ to Dale Cooper and wondering if the plan had already been laid in motion by Lynch and Frost back then and the idea had been there all along.
Gav Logan: Its bloody brilliant news. The show terrified me as a kid but stayed with me all my life. Even better news that Lynch and Frost are genuinely on board and its not just going to be a quick money making scheme. Cant wait!
Scott J Davis: I think it’s great news, let’s hope they get the artistic freedom to do exactly what they want to do without any interference. Showtime is a good platform for that!! Skaep niwt evil gnol!!
What did you think of the news of a new Twin Peaks series? Excited, or nervous??