2. Blade Runner (1982)
Directed by Ridley Scott
Starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos, Daryl Hannah and Joe Turkel
A Blade Runner must pursue and try to terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator.
It was neck and neck between Blade Runner and our number one spot, and it was in the last few votes that the decision was swung. Losing out by just one point, Blade Runner is Flickering Myth’s second greatest science fiction movie ever made. Ridley Scott makes a second appearance in a row with a movie that really is a benchmark for the genre. It truly is a spectacle that needs to be seen again and again.
“Regardless of which version of Blade Runner you watch, one thing remains constant; the film is an exemplary entry into both the Science Fiction genre, the neo-noir sub-genre, and to the history of film in general. Notorious for disagreements on set, voiceover endings, the question of Deckard’s true origins, and of course “tears in the rain”, Ridley Scott’s film offers so many layers of depth beyond it’s own multi-layered production history that it rewards on every single watch without fail. Over three decades since it’s first release, it is a testament to the film’s style, ingenuity, and vision of the future that it is still being referenced, copied, stolen from… but never bettered.” Rohan Morbey, Staff Writer
But what was our number one choice?