7. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1992)
Directed by James Cameron
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, Robert Patrick, Joe Morton and Earl Boen
A cyborg, identical to the one who failed to kill Sarah Connor, must now protect her teenage son, John, from a more advanced cyborg, made out of liquid metal.
Our third appearance in a row for James Cameron here in our Top 10!
Like he did with Aliens, Terminator 2: Judgment Day (no ‘e’ in Judgement) is a bigger movie compared to its lower-key predecessor and this time sees Arnie as the hero going against the advanced T-1000 to save John Conner. Not only is Terminator 2: Judgment Day hailed as being better than the original movie, it’s often cited as the greatest sequel ever made.
“When you talk about Terminator 2: Judgment Day, should you talk about one of the strongest female roles in film history? What about the ground-breaking SFX or the blood pumping soundtrack? How about the fact that it’s arguably both Cameron and Schwarzenegger’s best work? Nope. It’s easier just to say that it deserves to be watched as it’s still one of the damn coolest movies ever made!” Ozzy Armstrong, Staff Writer