Lionsgate has released a trailer for the upcoming thriller The Black String. Directed by Brian Hanson, the film stars Frankie Muniz (Malcolm in the Middle) as a lonely 20-something man who begins to experience blackouts and hallucinations after hooking up with a woman through a swinger’s hotline, causing him to believe something sinister is at work; check it out here…
After Jonathan (Frankie Muniz, Agent Cody Banks) hooks up with sexy Dena through a swinger’s hotline, he becomes incredibly ill. Suffering from blackouts and hallucinations, Jonathan’s life begins to fall apart. He becomes convinced that he’s the helpless victim of an evil cult that’s cursed him with deadly mystical forces beyond his control. But is this supernatural threat real or all in Jonathan’s troubled mind? This riveting horror-thriller will leave you shaken long after it’s all done.
The Black String is set for a DVD and digital release on September 24th.