All Hail, Queen Daenerys
Of all the options available to the Game of Thrones’ writers right now, this one is the most obvious. Daenerys story has seen her destined for the Iron Throne since day one, and she now more powerful than she has ever been. She has overcome everything that Westeros has thrown at her over the last 7 seasons and now all she has standing in her way is, The Night King and his army of the undead, Cersei Lannister, and Euron Greyjoy, oh, and the fact that her lover, who is also her nephew, is actually the rightful heir to the throne, not her.
If anyone is equipped to deal with all of that, though it’s Daenerys, and while she may be one dragon down, she still has the Dothraki, The Unsullied and two more dragons at her disposal. Plus, if she were to win, Jon has already bent the knee and she could just hand him the title of King in the North.
This is the route I want the show to go down the least. Not because I wouldn’t be happy with it, but because Game of Thrones has never been a show to give the fans what it wants, and that’s exactly what this would be.
Bran Stark Claims the Throne, Somehow
Okay, so I’ve not really got any idea how this one would play out, but there is currently quite a large portion of the internet dedicated to the idea that Bran, the Three Eyed Raven and oldest living Stark son, could somehow be pivotal in the show’s climax.
Whether it sees him somehow travel back, or forward through time, and foresee a way to either defeat The Night King, or prevent his dad from becoming the Hand to the King, there is a slight chance the show could decide to go quite complex in its final episodes. There is also a theory that Bran could become the Night King, but I’m not really sure how much I buy into any of this.
The Birth of a Republic
One thing that has become abundantly clear is that while the Iron Throne exists, people will not stop fighting over it. The Night King aside, if anyone else takes the throne, they are bound to have someone attempt to steal it from them in the future, and if that is the case, then is that really a fitting end to the show? With a new Lannister on the way, and potentially a new Targaryen, the chances of this thing ever coming to a close are slim to none.
But, what if the throne itself is destroyed, while Jon, Cersei, and Daenerys all fall to The Night King, leaving only Tyrion left to defeat him. Melting down the Throne to make weapons to defeat the Night King would be a fitting way to defeat the undead and it would also leave Westeros facing a very different future.
The transformation of Westeros into a republic would be a fitting way to end the show, with fan favourite Tyrion being elected the first ever president of the state. It would be the surprising end that hardcore fans want, and also leave other fans happy with a much-loved character finishing up in charge.
How do you think Game of Thrones will come to an end? Let us know in the comments below, and let Liam know on Twitter here @liamhoofe