Guillermo del Toro is lining up quite the cast for his upcoming animated “family event series” at Netflix entitled Trollhunters, as the director announced during a discussion at the Annecy Animation Festival in Annecy, France that Kelsey Grammer (Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising), Ron Perlman (Hand of God) and Anton Yelchin (Star Trek Beyond) have all signed on to voice characters.
The show, which brings viewers into the underground world of heroes and trolls, was both created and executive produced by del Toro and will begin airing on the streaming platform later this year in December.
While Perlman’s involvement shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, seeing as how he’s worked with del Toro numerous times in the past on such movies as Cronos, Hellboy and Pacific Rim, Grammer and Yelchin aren’t frequent collaborators with the filmmaker and are surprising but welcomed additions to the cast. Getting well-known Hollywood actors to star in an animated children’s show typically isn’t an easy sell, but del Toro’s name being attached to the project in such a major way certainly must have been an important factor in convincing the ensemble to come on board.
An in-depth description of the characters being played by the trio can be found below (via press release)…
The cast includes Anton Yelchin as “Jim,” an ordinary teenage boy whose discovery of a mystical amulet sets his life on a course filled with high-stakes adventure; Kelsey Grammer as “Blinky,” a kind-hearted troll who befriends Jim; and Ron Perlman provides the voice of “Bular,” a sinister troll who targets Jim and his friends for battle. Featuring stunning visuals and ambitious, complex storytelling from the rich and creative mind of Guillermo del Toro, Trollhunters raises the bar for family series as a global must-see viewing event for the entire family.
The official plot synopsis is here as well…
Trollhunters features a tale of two fantastical worlds set to collide in an epic saga. Set in the fictional suburb of Arcadia, our unlikely hero, Jim, and his two best friends make a startling discovery that beneath their hometown lies a hidden battle between good trolls and bad, the outcome of which will impact their lives forever.
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