Orangepixel has announced that the thirrd game in the Gunslugs series, Gunslugs:Rogue Tactics, will be going to open beta on Friday 10th May to 12th May. Not only will this give players the chance to take the game for a test drive but will also allow Orangepixel to identify and resolve any bugs prior to the game’s launch later this year.
Gunslugs:Rogue Tactics allows players to take control over an elite squad of soldiers as they attempt to stop the Black Duck Army from performing experiments that threaten the world. Unlike previous games in the series, Rogue Tactics offers a more tactical and stealth orientated style of play. Squads will have to sneak their way past enemy patrols, avoiding security cameras and spy drones then take down the buildings to complete a variety of mission objectives. However, there’s always the option of going in all guns blazing using a variety of weapons, including knives, samurai swords, machine-guns, plasma-guns, rocket launchers and more.
The game features:
- A variety of missions.
- Use stealthy tactics to avoid security cameras, hide from enemies and distract them with numerous throwable objects.
- Plenty of loot to find that will help on missions, including shields, helmets, different shoe types, EMP’s, weapons and more.
- Procedural generation – Each and every game will be generated differently to provide plenty of replay value.
For more details on how to sign up for the beta, visit the website here.