NACON and Cyanide Studio have announced they will be releasing Blood Bowl 3 in early 2021 on Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch and next gen’ consoles. This new brutal and bloody fantasy sports game will be based on the new edition of the board game that Games Workshop will be releasing later this year and feature the new rules, teams, units and skills that this will bring. Check out the reveal trailer below….
Blood Bowl is an unholy mix of American football and Games Workshop’s Warhammer fantasy world, where humans, orcs, dwarfs, elves and more will smash each other to a pulp to get the ball and score a point. Nearly anything goes to get your team to victory whether it be shoulder charges, kicks, punches or even decapitation.
Players will take the role of the team coach and give orders to the team such as block the tackle zone, knock out the opposition and break through the opponent’s lines to score. Each unit will gain experience after each match (assuming they survive) and can receive bonuses or new skills but they can also get injuries which can cause debuffs on team members, particularly when the referee is a goblin.
With Blood Bowl 3 using the new edition of the boardgame, players can expect to see all the usual fan-favourite races but also get to see the new teams, including the ferocious Black Orcs and the Imperial Nobility. There will be 12 races in total, each with their own arena, cheerleaders, campaign and multiplayer modes plus plenty of customisation options.
Blood Bowl 3 is set to launch early next year.