HBO Max has released the first trailer for Aquaman: King of Atlantis, the upcoming animated miniseries from Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment which follows Arthur as he takes on his new role as the King of Atlantis, with the help of Vulko and Mera; check it out here…
The series begins with Aquaman’s first day on the job as king of Atlantis and he’s got a LOT of catching up to do. Luckily, he has his two royal advisors to back him up – Vulko, the scholar, and Mera, the water controlling warrior-princess. Between dealing with unscrupulous surface dwellers, elder evils from beyond time and his own half-brother who wants to overthrow him, Aquaman is going to have to rise to the challenge and prove to his subjects, and to himself, that he’s the right man for the trident!
Aquaman: King of Atlantis premieres on HBO Max on October 14th.