The trailer for the upcoming heist film American Animals has received a new trailer and poster. Based on a true story, the film follows four friends who decide to pull off an elaborate art heist. The film was directed by Bart Layton (The Imposter) and premiered earlier this year at the Sundance and SXSW film festivals. Check them out below…
The extraordinary and thrilling true story of four friends (Evan Peters, Barry Keoghan, Blake Jenner, and Jared Abrahamson) living an ordinary existence who brazenly attempt to execute one of the most audacious art heists in US history. But not everything is as it seems, and as the daring theft unfolds through each of their perspectives, each of them start to question whether their attempts to inject excitement and purpose into their lives is simply a misguided attempt at achieving the American Dream.
American Animals is written and directed by Bart Layton (The Imposter) and stars Evan Peters (X-Men: Dark Phoenix), Barry Keoghan (Dunkirk), Blake Jenner (The Edge of Seventeen), Jared Abrahamson (Travelers), Ann Dowd (The Handmaid’s Tale) and Udo Kier (Downsizing).
American Animals will be released June 1st.