2. It holds the record for the most miniatures used
When looking at Independence Day as the huge CGI-fest that it was, it’s important to note and remember that the movie also features a lot of miniature work and practical effects.
Jurassic Park had shown in 1993 that it was possible to blur the lines between CGI and practical effects and Roland Emmerich demonstrates it perfectly in this movie too.
In fact, in the DVD commentary, it was revealed that the fire engine seen being hurled through the air was nothing more that a cheap toy they picked up at a department store. And credit where credit is due, these effects still hold up.
Of course, the most memorable miniature is the White House which, in true Godzilla style, was built just to be destroyed. It was filmed from nine different angles at varying speeds to get that awesome and iconic shot.
Also, did you know the effect of the ship being blown up at the end is the effect used on the Empire State Building flipped upside down?
With the increase in CGI and digital effects, it’s likely that Independence Day will hold the record for most miniatures indefinitely.