Amazon’s upcoming animated adaptation of Robert Kirkland’s Invincible has just added several former members of The Walking Dead to its cast. Kirkland, who created The Walking Dead, revealed during his Comic-Con@Home panel that Lauren Cohan, Sonequa Martin-Green, Chad Coleman, Michael Cudlitz, Lennie James and Ross Marquand are the latest to join the cast.
Cohan will voice War Woman, Martin-Green is Green Ghost, Coleman is Martian Man, Cudlitz portrays Red Rush, James is Darkwing and Marquand will voice two characters: The Immortal and Aquarius. The Walking Dead alums join their former co-stars Steve Yeun and Khary Payton in the series.
Yeun voices Mark Grayson, a young superhero named Invincible, Zazie Beetz (Deadpool 2) will play Amber Bennett, girlfriend of Mark Grayson/Invincible, Andrew Rannells (Girls) will play Mark’s best friend William Clockwell, Walton Goggins (Justified) will be government liaison Cecil Stedman, Mark Hamill (Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker) will be superhero tailor Art, Gillian Jacobs (Community) will portray superhero Atom Eve, Jason Mantzoukas (Big Mouth) as Rex Splode, Seth Rogen (The Lion King) as Allen the Alien, Zachary Quinto (Star Trek) as Robot, an ally of superhero Invincible, and Khary Payton (The Walking Dead) plays Black Samson, a member of the Guardians of the Globe.
Invincible follows Mark Grayson (Yeun), a regular teenager whose father just so happens to be the most powerful superhero in the world, Omni-Man (Simmons). Shortly after his 17th birthday, Mark begins to develop powers of his own and enters into his father’s tutelage, only to discover that Omni-Man’s legacy may not be as heroic as it seems.
Ricky Church – Follow me on Twitter for more movie news and nerd talk.