The future of the Ghostbusters franchise seems a little up in the air at the moment. Originally, Sony intended on launching an entire Ghostbusters cinematic universe, although the poor box office performance of Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters: Answer the Call seems to have but the brakes on a possible sequel with cast members Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones, while the rumoured Channing Tatum movie never got out of the starting blocks.
Well,Ivan Reitman, director of the original two movies and producer on the reboot, seems confident that there’s plenty of life left in the franchise, with Reitman telling Mr Wavvy that: “There’s going to be many other Ghostbusters movies. They’re just in development right now.”
We do know that Sony is developing an animated Ghostbusters movie, which is being directed by Fletcher Moules, but with Sony reportedly suffering a loss of $70 million or more on Answer the Call, one would have to assume the studio is going to be a little anxious regarding any further live action films at this point in time.
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