The Jeepers Creepers franchise attempts step out of the tainted shadow of writer-director Victor Salva next year as Screen Media Films releases Jeepers Creepers: Reborn, a reboot from Iron Sky director Timo Vuorensola which intended as the first in a new trilogy of films free of any involvement from the series’ creator. Check out the teaser poster and trailer here…
Chase and Laine head to the Horror Hound festival where Laine begins to experience unexplained premonitions and disturbing visions associated with The Creeper and the town’s past. As the festival gets underway and the blood-soaked entertainment builds to a frenzy, Laine believes that something unearthly has been summoned for the first time in 23 years and that she is at the center of it.
Jeepers Creepers: Reborn stars Sydney Craven, Imran Adams, Ocean Navarro, Matt Barkley, Alexander Halsall, Jodie McMullen, Georgia Goodman, and Jarreau Benjamin
Jeepers Creepers: Reborn is slated to release in 2022.