Jimmy Fallon took a trip to Bayside High on Wednesday’s episode of The Tonight Show, reuniting the cast of the popular 90s sitcom Saved By the Bell – well, Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Zack Morris), Tiffani-Amber Thiessen (Kelly Kapowski), Elizabeth Berkley (Jessie Spano), Mario Lopez (A.C. Slater) and Dennis Haskins (Principal Belding) at least – for a skit which you can watch here…
About Gary Collinson
Gary Collinson is a film, television and digital content producer and writer, founder of the pop culture website FlickeringMyth.com, and producer of the upcoming gothic horror feature film 'The Baby in the Basket'. He previously spent a decade teaching and lecturing in film and media, and is also the author of the book 'Holy Franchise, Batman! Bringing the Caped Crusader to the Screen'.