With the tenth season of the long-running horror anthology series American Horror Story, titled American Horror Story: Double Feature, currently scheduled to debut on August 25th, series regular John Carroll Lynch, who also appears in the spinoff series American Horror Stories, has stated that while he is unable to talk about the latest season, it will be worth the long wait.
“I know. That’s the other part, what’s happened with the pandemic has slowed everything down,” Lynch said in an interview with TheWrap. “But I mean, I love that it’s ‘Double Feature’. I love it. I mean, you’re not going to be disappointed.”
American Horror Story: Double Feature was originally planned to premiere in late 2020, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, production was delayed and the release date was pushed back to August 2021.
Plot details on the new season of American Horror Story are still being kept under wraps, but creator Ryan Murphy has confirmed that the newest season will be split into two stories – which Murphy has previously teased a beach setting and a “weather-dependent” story.
The cast for the upcoming tenth season is set to include American Horror Story regulars Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, Kathy Bates, Billie Lourd, Finn Wittrock, Lily Rabe, Leslie Grossman, Adina Porter, and Angelica Ross, with Macaulay Culkin being the newest addition.