John Cena (The Suicide Squad) and Kathy Bates (Misery) are set to portray Presidential candidates in The Independent, a political thriller starring Brian Cox (Succession) and Jodie Turner-Smith (Queen & Slim).
Directed by Amy Rice (By The People: The Election of Barack Obama) and from a Black List script by Evan Parter, The Independent is set during the final weeks of the most consequential presidential election in history,” the movie will follow an idealistic young journalist (Turner-Smith) who teams up with her idol (Cox) to uncover a conspiracy that places the fate of the election, and the country, in their hands.”
“We’re incredibly excited to partner with Kathy Bates and John Cena on The Independent,” said executive producer Brian O’Shea of The Exchange. “Kathy’s exceptional acting skills, paired with Cena’s global appeal and ability to transform on-screen, make them incredible additions to this film. We couldn’t be happier that they’ve signed on.”
Filming on The Independent is set to get underway in November.
Via Deadline