The Indiana Jones franchise has been dependent upon four key players ever since its first release back in 1981 with Raiders of the Lost Ark. Steven Spielberg has served as the director, Harrison Ford starred as the titular hero Indiana Jones himself, George Lucas was one of the consistent contributors to the series stories and John Williams scored each of the four films.
While George Lucas and Disney are still on the outs at the moment, a third member of the creative team behind Indiana Jones is confirmed to be returning for the still unnamed fifth entry, with Spielberg announcing that John Williams will score the new movie.
Williams himself has also confirmed that he’ll be scoring Spielberg’s next movie Ready Player One, and also hopes to return for Star Wars: Episode VIII: “If I can do it, I certainly will. I told Kathy Kennedy I’m happy to do it, but the real reason is, I didn’t want anybody else writing music for Daisy Ridley.”
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