Phase Three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is set to kick off early next year with Captain America: Civil War, building to the long-awaited showdown between Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Thanos in the two-part Avengers: Infinity War. Speaking to MTV, Josh Brolin has shared his excitement over his role as the Mad Titan, and stated that he’s going to be “bringing the wrath” to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
SEE ALSO: Watch Thanos’ post-credit scene from Avengers: Age of Ultron in HD
“I don’t know which one I’m in,” said Brolin, when asked if he’d appear in Civil War. “That’s a Kevin Feige question. I know the trajectory of what they’re doing, but I don’t know exactly which one I’m in. I love going into a comic book store and a guy connecting me with Thanos, and seeing the incredible regressive awe that happens. Like you see them lose 30 years in can’t-breathe awe. That’s fun, and I have a lot of respect for those fans. I’m excited about doing it, I really am.”
Asked which character he’s most looking forward to squaring off against, Brolin replied: “I don’t have a favorite because it’s me against all of them. I think the entirety is what I’m most looking forward to. Each and every one. I’m bringing the wrath.”
Avengers: Infinity War – Part I opens on May 4th 2018 with Avengers: Infinity War – Part II arriving on May 3rd 2019 – but expect to see Thanos popping up again before then.