Fox has announced that it is shuffling its plans for the DC/Vertigo adaptation Lucifer, with the show’s producers revealing that the final four episodes of the current second season will be held back until next season, bumping the total episode count for the third season to 26.
”We designed this season to be an 18 episode arc because we originally were going to be 18 episodes,” said executive producer Joe Henderson. “But then we got 4 more! Surprise! So we decided to create four episodes that let us play around a bit. Dig deeper into the character stories, play with format a bit, etc… [These] stand on their own, but also pick up plots we’ve introduced and bring in new stuff we’ll play with season 3.”
Lucifer is currently on a break until May 1st, and Deadline is reporting that Fox was struggling to fit the remaining nine episodes into its schedule. The season finale is now slated for May 29th.