Apple TV+ has released the first trailer for the fourth and final season of the M. Night Shyamalan-produced psychological thriller series Servant which sees the Turner’s story come to an epic conclusion as they find questions finally answered and confront the increasing threat of Leanne as her war with the Church of Lesser Saints intensifies. Watch the trailer below…
Following its suspenseful season three finale, season four brings the final chapter of the Turner story to an epic and emotional conclusion. Leanne’s war with the Church of Lesser Saints heightens, threatening Spruce street, the city of Philadelphia, and beyond. Meanwhile, the shattered Turner family must not only confront the increasing threat of Leanne, but the certain reality that Dorothy is waking up. As the Turner family brownstone continues to crumble, questions are finally answered: who is Leanne Grayson and who is the child in their home?
Servant season 4 premieres on January 13th on Apple TV+ and sees the return of cast members Lauren Ambrose, Toby Kebbell, Nell Tiger Free and Rupert Grint.