Not only will this November see the character making her live-action debut in Marvel Studios’ Hawkeye series played by Hailee Steinfeld, but Kate Bishop is also set to make her long-awaited Marvel Comics return in her own five-issue limited series from New York Times bestselling writer Marieke Nijkamp and rising star artist Enid Balám, and Marvel has shared a trailer for Hawkeye: Kate Bishop ahead of the first issue; check it out here…
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop will pick up events as the young hero moves back to New York and gets caught up in a dangerous mission at a mysterious local resort.
“Because Kate’s story is in flux right now, it’s the perfect time to jump on board for the adventure,” said Nijkamp. “You don’t need to know where she was to enjoy the journey.”
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #1 will go on sale on November 17th, while Marvel Studios’ Hawkeye premieres on Disney+ on November 24th.