Back during the San Diego Comic-Con in July, Marvel announced the upcoming launch of a thirty-issue Star Wars maxi-series spanning the Prequel, Original and Sequel Eras, and now we have some teaser artwork for Age of Republic, Age of Rebellion, and Age of Resistance…
As revealed back in the summer, the event will run for an entire year, with two issues per month, each focussing on a hero and villain.
Things will get underway in December with Age of Republic: Qui-Gon #1 and Age of Republic: Darth Maul #1, followed by Age of Republic: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Age of Republic: Jango Fett in January, Age of Republic: Anakin Skywalker and Age of Republic: Count Dooku in February and Age of Republic: Padme Amidala and Age of Republic: General Grievous in March.
So far, details on Age of Rebellion and Age of Resistance are being kept under wraps, but more information is expected at the Disney-Lucasfilm Publishing panel at the New York Comic Con on Friday, October 5th.