Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stars Megan Fox and Alan Ritchson are set to join Olivia Thirlby (The Stanford Prison Experiment), Jim Gaffigan (Chappaquiddick), Maria Dizzia (Orange is the New Black) and Tito Ortiz (Tyler Perry’s Boo 2! A Madea Halloween) in Shadow Girl.
Described as “a magic realist tale” and written and directed by Claudia Myers, Shadow Girl is “set in a timeless metropolis [and] follows Holly who has faded to the point of becoming invisible and must find her way back into the world.”
Myers previous films include Kettle of Fish, Fort Bliss and Wild Oats. The new film is being produced by Tara Sickmeier and Rob Baunoch III of HIPZEE, Mark Shacknies and Khris Naxter of Boundary Stone, and Robyn K. Bennett of Wrangle Entertainment.
Via Deadline