HBO Max has announced the cast for The Sex Lives of College Girls, a new comedy series from Mindy Kaling (The Mindy Project). Starring in the series is Pauline Chalamet (The King of Staten Island), Amrit Kaur (The D Cut), Renée Rapp (Broadway’s Mean Girls) and newcomer Alyah Chanelle Scott. The show will follow four college roommates at the prestigious New England Essex College.
Chalamet will make her television debut as Kimberly, “the high school valedictorian from a humble Arizona suburb. Chalamet’s Kimberly may be caring, ambitious and ready for what college holds for her academically, but she’s not quite ready for what Essex College has in store socially.
Kaur will star as New Jersey native Bela. Bela is a young actress and the actress’ confident college freshman proclaims to be “extremely sex-positive,” despite being relatively new to the sex game.”
Rapp is making her television debut as Leighton, “a fourth-generation legacy student at Essex. Hailing from one of the richest and secretly Republican families on New York City’s Upper East Side, Leighton is more reserved than her roommates, who think she’s blunt, judgemental and entitled.”
Scott is also making her television debut as Whitney, “the soon-to-be-star of the university’s college team. Strong, self-assured with a dry sense of humor, Scott’s character is also the daughter of the most powerful Black senator in the country.”
Kaling is writing the series with Justin Noble (Brooklyn Nine-Nine). The pair will executive produce with Howard Klein and Warner Bros. Television.
Ricky Church – Follow me on Twitter for more movie news and nerd talk.